Yet another techie's blog

The rants and occassional rave of a desktop support tech workin' (if you can call it that) for the government.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Attack of the Clones

I made it about 1/3 of the way through it and couldn't keep my eyes open, so around 3:30, I went to bed.

On the plus side, the marathon is being replayed throughout the weekend, so I didn't really even need to stay up all fucking night to watch it. Terrific. I could have slept in my comfy bed and watched it this afternoon.


Friday, November 10, 2006

The Phantom Menace

So far, so good. Star Wars in HD looks terrific (I wish it weren't in the middle of the frickin' night so I could turn the sub-woofer on - but I'm nervous about pissing off my neighbors so my 7.1 surround sound system than can pump out 1000 watts is in stereo mode with the center and L/R channels cranked up)

It's almost 2am and I'm not really feeling too tired. The nap I took this evening helped out a lot with that (*sigh* I need to take naps now to stay up late).

And I don't care how stale and wooden Natalie Portman's dialog is in the movies, I still want to have sex with her.

Am I getting old?

So there's a Star Wars marathon starting in about 30 minutes (at midnight EST) - it's all 6 episodes in order, in Hi-Def. It begins with Phantom menace at midnight and ends with Return of the Jedi at 11:30am (Jedi ends around 2pm) - that's 14 hours worth of Star Wars.

Needless to say, when I first heard about the marathon, I was really excited. I've always loved Star Wars - I even liked Phantom menace (sorta).

Here's the thing, though...I'm not 20 anymore...yeah, yeah, I'm only 27, but still. In college, I wouldn't think twice about staying up all night on a whim to play video games, drink, study (all you Alpha-Chi'ers...keep yer damn mouths shut). I work full time, and really only have the weekends to do the things I want - do I wanna spend a large portion of it watching a marathon that I know is going to make me tired and useless for the rest of the weekend?

I thought I'd keep make a post about my progress through each movie and see if I can 1) last through all 6 episodes and 2) make it through the weekend without sleeping through the rest of it

I'll make a new post with each episode. Read along, watch along, or go back to bed....your choice