Yet another techie's blog

The rants and occassional rave of a desktop support tech workin' (if you can call it that) for the government.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Watched pots do boil...eventually

The same goes for mailboxes. There are benefits and drawbacks to ordering albums from the UK. In the plus column, you can get a lot of music before it's released in the US. Especially from bands that enjoy more popularity in Europe and near obscurity in the US. In the negative, however, you pay a premium (exchange rates, prices in the UK are generally higher and of course..shipping) and you have to wait fucking bloody ages for things to arrive.
Naturally, I'm speaking of the latest album from my favorite band Rammstein: Rosenrot. Which was released on Oct 28th in most of Europe and probably won't come to the US until sometime in 2006. I pre-ordered the album from, who are basically my only source for buying Rammstein albums outside the US. The only downside to the whole transaction was that I had to wait almost 10 days for the frickin' album to arrive and as some of you probably know (some..ok, all) I'm not the most patient person when it comes to things that I want. I like my gratification instant, thank you.
So, finally after days and days of waiting (have you ever noticed that when you're expecting something in the mail, the less of it you get?), the album came and of course, it's awesome and was completely worth the wait.
As with all their albums, it's a good mix of hard, fast, loud angry songs with a couple of slower ones thrown in to keep it interesting. Since I'm betting that most of my readers aren't big Rammstein fans, I won't bore you with a song-by-song review. Rather, I'll simply say that the title song (Rosenrot), Spring, Zerstoren and Ein Lied are among my favorites right now.

In other news, look for a review of the new Cingular Blackberry 8700c. Just as soon as I can dupe my company into buying it for me. I am also accepting donations to buy my own so I can take it with me when I eventually give my 4 word departure.

Oh, and for all you retail monkeys out there. If I'm standing in your line, with items to purchase, ring me up first and then go on break. Don't go on break right when it's my turn after I've been standing in your line for 10 minutes. If it happens again, I'll throw a temper tantrum that will make a potomac soccer mom blush. You've been warned.


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