Yet another techie's blog

The rants and occassional rave of a desktop support tech workin' (if you can call it that) for the government.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Am I getting old?

So there's a Star Wars marathon starting in about 30 minutes (at midnight EST) - it's all 6 episodes in order, in Hi-Def. It begins with Phantom menace at midnight and ends with Return of the Jedi at 11:30am (Jedi ends around 2pm) - that's 14 hours worth of Star Wars.

Needless to say, when I first heard about the marathon, I was really excited. I've always loved Star Wars - I even liked Phantom menace (sorta).

Here's the thing, though...I'm not 20 anymore...yeah, yeah, I'm only 27, but still. In college, I wouldn't think twice about staying up all night on a whim to play video games, drink, study (all you Alpha-Chi'ers...keep yer damn mouths shut). I work full time, and really only have the weekends to do the things I want - do I wanna spend a large portion of it watching a marathon that I know is going to make me tired and useless for the rest of the weekend?

I thought I'd keep make a post about my progress through each movie and see if I can 1) last through all 6 episodes and 2) make it through the weekend without sleeping through the rest of it

I'll make a new post with each episode. Read along, watch along, or go back to bed....your choice


At 9:53 AM, Blogger dmk said...

the wee hours were reserved for Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Diablo II, Jedi Knight 2, and several other

studying was crammed into the period between load screens :)


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