Yet another techie's blog

The rants and occassional rave of a desktop support tech workin' (if you can call it that) for the government.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Minor change

Hi all,
Just to let you know, I turned on word verification for the comments. So, now when you want to leave a comment, you'll get prompted to enter a random set of letters before you can post the comment.
I've been noticing some "comment spam" and Blogger says that word verification should reduce or outright elminate it.
I feel bad about making people who read and comment on the blog go through an extra step to post their thoughts, but this is the shite state of affairs these days. If there was a way to reduce comment spam without punishing the people who post relevant comments, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Thanks for reading and for posting


Thursday, September 15, 2005

It's been an awesome summer

Actually, it hasn't. It's been a downright shitty summer. I hate my job now more than ever and I got turned down for 2 jobs. But it's ok. I've got my Alienware laptop warming my lap, got a nice Canon Digital SLR 8 megapixel camera that I'm enjoying playing with. So, I guess this summer has been about 89.6923% shitty. Not a total loss, but I'm ready for a new season and a new job and a place to live. Yeah, I know. I'm never happy.

As my good friend Dennis can tell you, working in retail is no fun. Though, that really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. If it is, you're a moron and there's no help for you. Go somewhere and die.But, my friends, working in an office - any kind of office is no picnic either. For those of you raised on Secret of My Success, I'm sorry to disappoint you. If you don't know what I'm talking about, there's no help for you. Go somewhere and die.

Allow me to give you a few examples of what I mean. In my office, the stupid outnumber the smart by a considerable margin - actually, this margin widens when you factor in the "so stupid they can't remain upright", yes there's enough people in my office to warrant such a title. The stupid and the hunched over, open mouthed stupid rely heavily on the smarter people. The smart ones provide nourishment and job security. As long as there's someone smarter than you around who will "help" you do your work (by help, I mean do it for you in such a way that you get the most credit for it), the stupid will be fine.

Now, if you thought that the stupid brigade was a lot to deal, oh boy do I have some surprises for you. Next, we have managment. Many layers of it. Like an onion. Onions have layers. Not exactly layers of complexity, but layers nonetheless. Management's main concern is with making sure that the job gets done as quickly and as cheaply as possible. So, if the smart people are able to do their own smart people work plus the stupid people work and not snap and hose down the entire place with an uzi, then that's a good day. So, what do they care if 2/3 of their staff are completely unqualified to do the job they were hired for? They don't care, as long as there are people there who can be relied upon to do the work. And if those people start to complain, well you just fire a few token dullards, toss some money around and you're good for another 6 months at least.

Isn't office work exciting? There's more, you know. You see, I haven't even gotten to the customers, the policies, the politics, the gossip, and all the rest of the fun and exciting times that await all future office workers.

Now, I know this might seem like I'm trying to say that my job sucks more than yours. No, that's not what I'm trying to say at all. Well, maybe just a little. What I'm trying to say is that everyone's job sucks (again, if you didn't already know this...well, you should know what to do by now), and they all suck in different ways.

So, worry not my young friends. If your current job sucks and you're victimized by the morons you have to work with and work for, don't worry, you're just being prepared for a long, long career of dealing with smart people you don't like, stupid people you barely tolerate and managers you won't respect.Now, get back to work so some of us bottom feeders can get a little nourishment.