Yet another techie's blog

The rants and occassional rave of a desktop support tech workin' (if you can call it that) for the government.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Been a while since I updated this thing. It's been pretty busy with work, etc and blah blah blah. Who am I kidding? I've been watching movies, playing on my laptop, doing a little wardriving and basically anything that keeps me out of the fucking oppressive humidity. Stupid hurricanes named after people. Named after people with...names.


What the fuck is wrong with Hillary Clinton? We don't need a law to prevent stores from selling video games with an arbitrary rating to "minors" who have probably seen more on Fox than they have in any video game.
We don't need more laws, people just need to accept responsibility for their actions. Which is an oversimplification, but still....people...chill...relax..calm'll be okay...just shut up and stop doing things that annoy me.

Not a whole lot else is going on. Waiting to hear from my various job applications and attempting to meet women or get closer to the ones I already know.
I'm not holding my breath.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


My favorite city has been wounded and I feel it's wound.

I just can't understand how someone can believe that murdering people on their way to work is going to accomplish a religious or political goal.

Given the amazing diversity of cultures present in London, these terrorists probably killed some of the people who may have been sympathetic to their cause - almost like RIAA and MPAA going after their own customers.

I just don't understand